Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, the Republic of Croatia presented itself as a partner country at the Green Week 2020 held in Berlin, Germany, from 17 to 26 January 2020. The company S.I.C. Ltd. had the honour of being selected from a large number of interested parties to represent Croatia and the Istrian region in the best light. “Grune Woche 2020” – “Green Week” is in its concept a unique international exhibition of agriculture, horticulture and food industry. Food manufacturers from all over the world use the fair through national stands as a sales and test market and for personal contact with customers. The S.I.C. has attracted a large number of visitors through the promotion and direct sale of its fish products, thus bringing fish food closer to the more continental diet of the Germans. This year’s fair featured nearly 1,700 exhibitors from 68 different countries around the world. With over 400,000 visitors, it is confirmed that Green Week is the world’s leading food and agriculture fair and an indispensable event for the entire agricultural sector.
International green week in Berlin
30. 1. 2020.